First, an introduction.

Sons Catalan. A mini tour of the Catalan Republic. January/February 2019.

Some of our CD and DVD covers.

cds.jpgAnd a brief history.

ZUZUSHIIMONKEY (formally Doctor Zuzushii Monkey) began life in London, in 2005. A melting pot of cultures, East and West. A combination of old and new technologies. Conventional instruments, home built devices, field recordings, theremins, and whatever else makes a noise. It’s a mixture, at times rhythmic, at times not at all, you can see and hear for yourself. Sound installations in the forests of Lapland(no film footage unfortunately), gigs in England and continental Europe(including the good ship Stubnitz), radio performances (resonance 104.4 FM), film and documentary sound tracks, dance collaborations, sound installations. From 2009, base became Tokyo. With the exception of the Spring Scream festival in Taiwan, all sound activities were confined to the Japanese capital. In 2013, we moved to Berlin. Berlin was actually via six months on the Greek Island of Naxos, stuff happened, but not much music. Berlin, in the audio department, only amounted to a few gigs, both at Madam Claude. The restricted confines in which we lived, and created, had something to blame. Camping Platz. Anyhow, we moved on, to Hastings.


The following film was shot at Madam Claude in November 2013.

A few other ZUZUSHIIMONKEY tracks not featured above. Audio only.

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  1. Pingback: LONDON SCREEN GUIDE w/c 14.04.17 – RADIANT CIRCUS

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